Manufacturing address

Production contacts

Address: 109316, Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, 42, bldg. 5

Telephone: +7 495 018-39-35


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How to get to the Texel office in Technopolis “Moscow”

Inform us in advance of your name and passport number (enough ID, the other data of the passport details are not needed).

Don’t forget your passport or other identity document with you, there’s a pass system in place.

How to get there by subway

From the station Tekstileschiki (the last coach from the center, the long way out of the station) along the pedestrian crossing directly and to the right after the underground passage, behind remains the “SM-Clinic”

Then follow the path along the Technopolis on the left hand and the parking lot on the right to the entrance number 5. After you get the pass, from the entrance directly and to the right along the Technopolis to the entrance D. After the glass doors to the right and the stairs to the 3rd floor.

Get up and walk straight ahead. In front of the children’s quantum park on the left hand you will see the sign TEXEL.

How to get there by car from MKAD

Move along Volgograd Avenue towards the center. After 7 km you will see the cultural center “Moskvich” and subway “Textilschiki” on the left. After them, before reaching “Avilon”, turn to the first exit, on the Shosseynya street.

Turn right at the first traffic light on Shosseynya Street. Turn left after 200m to the barrier. Inform the security guard that you have been ordered to enter Technopolis by Texel.

Come into the parking lot and get a pass at Gate 5. After that you can enter Technopolis through BCP No. 5 or BCP No. 4. To get to Gate 4, you need to go beyond the barrier and drive 300 m.

How to get there by car from the center

Move along Volgograd Avenue until you see Avilon Mercedes-Benz on the left and Technopolis Moscow on the right. Turn to the exit. After refueling, turn right onto Shosseynya Street. Next, see paragraph 2 above.

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